
We’re Thankful For You

As we enter Thanksgiving week, we want to articulate our gratitude for this community.

We are honored to be part of, and facilitate the interactions in this network of incredible people. Each and every day we are blown away by the hard work, care and selflessness on display. The majority of our members are physicians and dentists who spend most of their days caring for patients. While there are lots of forces pushing in on your professional world, we are amongst your biggest fans. We appreciate the years of education and hard work it took to become a clinician. We appreciate the cost, the hours doing clinical work that took you from time with friends and family. As if all that wasn’t enough, the last 3 years added incredible stress with practices shut down, hospitals in financial turmoil, patient loads never before seen in your career and on and on. We are thankful you persevered.

For you entrepreneurs, we are thankful for the toil and stress that no one can ever know unless they have walked in your shoes. You have a vision for a better tomorrow and you have put it all on the line to make it happen. You are the energy and lifeblood of innovation and small business creation across the globe. We appreciate your humility and coachability because these are the traits that serve you best. We appreciate the grit that pushes you to keep going when all odds are stacked against you. We are always in your corner.

Finally, we thank those of you who put capital to work serving as the fuel for innovation. Whether you invest out of personal capital (angels) or you do it professionally with managed funds (VC), you are an essential element of this community and innovation writ large. We are thankful for your inquisitive spirit and your interest in supporting this generation of entrepreneurs working to create a better tomorrow.

This community is unlike any other. It represents the best and brightest and will continue to make its impact on healthcare in both large and small ways. We are humbled to be part of it and are thankful you are walking alongside us.


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