In Memory of Charlie Emley, Jr.
Approximately 35 years ago I was visiting the home of my college buddy in Pasadena, CA. I met his father, Charlie Emley Jr, and little did I know, he would become a mentor, friend and business partner for much of my professional life.

Charlie Emley, Jr was an icon. He was not a guy that demanded the limelight and he wasn’t especially fond of social and business events. He preferred time spent with a small circle of friends or family talking and laughing. He was brilliant and funny.

Charlie had a career that was emblematic of the icon he was. He graduated from Lehigh and Wharton and was later installed as the Deputy Secretary of the Interior under President Richard Nixon. His stories of working directly with George Schultz were priceless.

The next few decades included technology consulting leadership roles that included IBM Global Services. Along the way, he became friends with the late Peter Drucker and was asked to serve as the interim Dean of the Claremont School of Business.

He finished his corporate career as a Partner with Deloitte. He continued enjoying his periodic interaction with current and former partners.

After retiring, he joined Pasadena Angels and took over a troubled public company in the cable television hardware space called Pico Products. He subsequently stepped in to help launch AngelMD and crafted the strategy for syndicate and fund investments.

Charlie was old school in all the greatest senses. He was private in most ways, and rarely let others know when he was struggling or in pain. He was disciplined with his workout routine and devoted much of his time and attention to his wife – Author Diane Emley. Charlie loved to support her writing career and travelled with her to countless readings and book signings. Additionally, his two boys were the center of his universe. I was most familiar with his oldest son who was named after him. Charlie Emley III, or CE3 as we used to jointly call him, was a huge source of pride for Charlie. He loved spending time with CE3 and getting updates on his career developments.

Charlie impacted everyone he was around. He was immensely important to me and to AngelMD. He will always be remembered and constantly missed.

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