We wrapped up our 2021 Pitch Club series this week with our annual Startup Showcase. We took the opportunity to get some views from our community outside of healthcare innovation, asking attendees perspectives on topics from investing to football to taxes. Interestingly, when it came to questions around finances (investing and taxes), there were clear winners, while personal interest questions showed diversity in responses.
We appreciate all who joined us for the event, submitted insightful questions for the startups and shared your thoughts in our year end poll.
Check out their responses and see how your answers would compare.
If you were given $1M to invest this week, select from one of the following options to place the money.

Are taxes going up, down or staying the same in 2022?
Most respondents believe taxes will go up (56%) or stay the same (33%), but a few (11%) are holding out for taxes to go down. As usual, the complexities of the tax system mean the exact impact will be determined when we actually file our returns. While Congress is pushing for tax increases for certain income brackets, what is less obvious are the “silent taxes” we are incurring in new fees, inflation and taxes outside of income / capital gains.

If you were given a free vacation that had to be taken over New Year’s, which one would you select?
While this question did have a somewhat more even distribution than the others, interestingly nearly half (44%) would choose Iceland for a New Year’s vacation. It has definitely become a hot spot…although not hot.
Are you going to make New Year’s Resolutions this year?
Respondents are pretty evenly divided on whether they will partake in this time honored tradition.
For those who said yes, we wish you all the success in achieving your resolution goals.