Podcast with David Finkel of Maui Mastermind – Part 1

David Finkel has created one of the most successful consulting firms in the country focused on small and mid sized businesses. Maui Mastermind serves clients of all types, but one of the largest segments in their professional services focus is clinical practices. As the son of a physician, he witnessed first-hand the challenge his father faced practicing medicine while also serving as a business owner. 



This mini series was created around a discussion between Tobin Arthur and David Finkel and largely based on principles David explores in his book: Grow Your Medical Practice While Getting Your Life Back. 


Maui Mastermind has offered to provide a free copy of the book for any clinician member of AngelMD that would like to give it a read. To get your copy, please fill out this SHORT FORM.


Podcast on YouTube: 




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