Pitch Club Calendar & Application
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Pitch Club started out with the idea of offering “open mic” night for startups enabling them to get feedback from an audience of clinicians and investors. The events take place the second Tuesday of every month at 6PM MT. We typically do not schedule events in July, August and December.

Over time our community evolved the event on several fronts:

  • Members wanted a way to interact with other attendees. To address this we did a review of every viable video platform on the market and selected Airmeet largely because of its unique networking functions.
  • Members said they wanted to see more startups than we could fit into our planned out. So, we added “Pitch Club” extensions where we invite several startups to pre-record their stories and we add these to the conversation.
  • Lots of folks told us they couldn’t attend live, but loved the event, so we invest a lot of time and energy providing edited and recorded versions of the presentations as well as links to things covered at Pitch Club.

As we kick off the 2022 Pitch Club season this evening, we have more in store. First, we are going to be inviting more involvement in the events from our Clinical Advisory Board leaders. This will give you access to innovative clinicians across a variety of specialties. Second, we will be adding quick expert briefings to select Pitch Club events so you can hear from researchers, industry and others working on relevant and exciting projects.

As we kick things off, we want to share the schedule for the next few months. (see below. Events start promptly at 6PM MT and last 90 minutes including the networking. Snacks and cocktails are welcome and encouraged.)

We’ll also include a link to the Pitch Club application for interested startups. It’s very competitive, so apply early.


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