Innovation, Acceleration and Education – 2022

Whether you are interested in discovering, or supporting, the most promising startups or you just want to learn more about business, entrepreneurship and opportunities to leverage your clinical expertise outside of the practice setting, we have something for you.


Innovation / Discovery: AngelMD is becoming the single source location to discover startups in your area of interest. This not only makes it efficient for discovery, but the more startups are present, the more physicians and dentists will be present. The more clinicians there are to access, the bigger the benefit to startups…in other words, it’s a key component of a fly-wheel.


  • If you currently advise or have a relationship with a startup entrepreneur without an AngelMD account, encourage them to register then submit a profile. It’s really easy and it costs nothing to have a published profile.
  • If you are a clinician and want to help discover the next promising startups, then make sure to apply to be a member of the Clinical Advisory Board.


Acceleration: The last few years presented extra challenges for everyone, startups felt this especially hard. We want to help your startup, or your portfolio companies, accelerate progress this year.

  • If your startup already has a published profile, give it some polish. Do you have a clear value proposition and solid image? Do you have at least 100 Followers? 
  • Do you have social media accounts for the company on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook? We can help accelerate in a host of ways. Whether it’s amplifying your story via our social media channels, Pitch Club events, podcast, blog, Vital Signs (daily) or our newsletter, we generate a lot of reach with media and industry insiders. 
  • If your story and visual assets need an upgrade, Alpha Creative is here to help. These are just a few of the resources we have at the ready.


Education: Many of you aren’t ready to be actively engaged in any particular way and that’s perfectly fine by us. We still want to create value by offering educational content in a variety of formats. In 2022 you’ll see a host of new Freemium and Premium educational offerings through the AngelMD Academy team. Education is delivered in a variety of formats:

  • Live events
  • Webinars and online resources.
  • If that’s not enough, we have a ton of great educational material that we’ll be serving up in our library provided by incubators, accelerators and other stakeholders involved as Alpha Partners. 
  • And if all that isn’t enough, our own blog, newsletter and podcasts are extremely educational.


There is no one path to success. The AngelMD Community provides a “choose your own adventure” format. Your involvement can ebb and flow as your schedule allows.


We want your input. What are we doing that you want to see more of? What are we not doing that you would find valuable? This community is for you, so don’t hesitate to speak up.


We rely on advertisers/sponsors to underwrite much of what goes on under the hood. We want to thank those organizations that partnered with us this past year and we look forward to more and expanded relationships this coming year. 


If your pharmaceutical, medical device, digital health, payer, hospital system, investment / wealth management firm or premium lifestyle organization could benefit from strong access to a large community of clinicians, entrepreneurs, investors and industry stake-holders, drop us a note.


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