AngelMD Academy is Live!!! Come Learn With Us.
AngelMD Academy

What began as a series of workshops and Master Classes during Covid lock-downs is now a full fledged learning platform. AngelMD is pleased to release the first few courses on AngelMD Academy and a lot more coming your way.

Courses are largely designed for entrepreneurs, advisors and investors in healthcare innovation. We want to support the life-long learners in our community and no group in the world works with nearly as many startups and clinicians as the AngelMD team.

The first 3 programs out of the gate include:

    • Landing the Advisory Gig

    • Turn Your Startup Work Into Serious Income
    • Marketing Your Clinic (5 lessons, FREE)

Stay tuned to VitalSigns and the weekly newsletter for announcements of new courses and Master Classes. In the meantime, you can learn more and register for a course by visiting and if you register for both the Landing the Advisory Gig and Turn Your Startup Work Into Serious Income courses now, you save 50% on the second course. Courses are only $49, but the price increases 7 days before they go live…so register early.

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