Made By We (“Fail Big” Cont.)

The We Work revisited story continues to get commentary given the massive investment made by Andreesen Horowitz. It’s true that Adam Neuman built a game-changing real estate business. They re-defined co-working spaces when the only real player had been sleepy Regus. They also raised extraordinary amounts of capital and convinced smart investors to value the… Continue reading Made By We (“Fail Big” Cont.)

Fail Big

“If you owe the bank $100, that is your problem. If you owe the bank $100 Million, that’s the bank’s problem.” – John Paul Getty On wall street there is a common series of humor. If you make a mistake and lose a couple million you get fired. But if you REALLY screw up and… Continue reading Fail Big

Buy When Others Are Selling

Let’s start with some industry math. 5% of venture capitalists make the majority of the profit. What about the other 95%? Many fail to return principal, let alone hit the industry target of 18% IRR. Is this the crowd you want to follow with your investment thesis? Warren Buffett loves to advise that smart investors… Continue reading Buy When Others Are Selling

AngelMD Academy is Live!!! Come Learn With Us.

What began as a series of workshops and Master Classes during Covid lock-downs is now a full fledged learning platform. AngelMD is pleased to release the first few courses on AngelMD Academy and a lot more coming your way. Courses are largely designed for entrepreneurs, advisors and investors in healthcare innovation. We want to support… Continue reading AngelMD Academy is Live!!! Come Learn With Us.