We have all heard “It Takes a Village.” In fact, this is true as it relates to healthcare innovation. Here at AngelMD, we have a saying, “Innovation is Social.”


Any society, community or club is only as successful as its members’ willingness to contribute. As John F Kennedy encouraged everyone: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

Members of the AngelMD community are building something bigger than themselves. They are joining together to improve the innovation ecosystem to ensure the best

 technologies get identified, financed and supported. The ultimate beneficiary is the patient.

AngelMD plays a specific role in the process. The platform and community form the largest digital Rolodex in healthcare with the aim of accelerating and improving outcomes. While there are lots of potential benefits for each member of our community, the bigger picture is how can each person contribute? Do you have an hour a month? An hour a week? Whatever your level of interest and capacity, AngelMD wants to get you plugged in.

Request an invitation to our briefing. It will last 30 minutes and begin at 6PM MT.